About Us

We are all on a quest to connect with the divine and find our purpose.

At Mind-Body-Spirit Connections, we believe in supporting each other in finding our direction and fully expressing our gifts.


To provide you with the holistic tools to consciously create a life that fully embraces your individual gifts and renews your spirit.

Hi, I'm Melissa


Hey there, I’m Melissa.

I am a shamanic energy healing practitioner, a Usui / Holy Fire® Karuna® Reiki Master/Teacher, and energy medicine practitioner.

I am passionate about the power of holistic healing because when all else failed, it helped me overcome the obstacles in life that left me both stressed and depressed. That's why I'm confident that shamanic techniques and energy healing will help you too.

If you're new to Reiki, Shamanic Healing, and Energy Medicine, I want to personally invite you to book an individual session with me to learn more about how holistic healing can help you heal your internal and external pain and embrace your individual gifts.

Book an Appointment


Over 20 years ago, I was working two jobs, commuting 2 hours every day, and raising a family. Despite having a close loving family, I struggled with a deep sense of disconnection, depression, and loneliness in a world of 7 billion people. In short, I was stressed and depressed. I wanted to find a way to deal with that, so I searched online for holistic healing modalities. I found Reiki, or it found me and opened a world of holistic healing I never knew existed.

Back then, I was searching for something to make me feel whole; I just couldn't figure out what. But I was committed to my healing journey. Then I finally realized that I was looking externally for answers that could only be found internally.

I decided I wanted to cultivate a community of like-minded supportive people, a spiritual connection with the Divine, and a sense of my purpose in life and how I could be of service.

In the years since I first experienced Reiki, I have gone on an extensive journey of self-healing with the help of many healers and teachers, and I learned how to help others do the same. As a shamanic healing practitioner, I maintain a sense of communion with the Divine and have found powerful allies and techniques that I can share with others for their healing.

I also co-created the Holistic Wellness Fair, healing circles, and other events to facilitate networking, awareness, and support within and of the local holistic community.

As I continue my journey of healing, growth, and exploration, it can be challenging, but it is also filled with passion and purpose. I am honored to help you on your own journey.

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Helps relieve internal & external pain

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Helps promote a healthy lifestyle

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Helps embrace your individual gifts

We do things alittle differently

We do things a little differently, and it makes a big difference.

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No pills or medication

We won’t add a prescription to your life.

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Non-invasive repair and self-healing

We won’t be using needles or anything invasive

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Complimentary to other treatments

No adverse reactions to other treatment plans

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Say goodbye to emotional and physical pain. Say hello to tranquility, relaxation, and calm.

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Learn self-healing techniques like Chakra Clearing, Shamanic Journeying and Energy Medicine.

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Become a healer with our Reiki I & II, Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Masterclass and Holy Fire Karuna Reiki training.